Welcome to Gamston St Peter's CofE Primary School - Ofsted Good, March 24 - Tuxford Academy feeder school

Gamston St Peter's CofE Primary School

Be the best you can be


At Gamston we believe that Religious Education encourages pupils to learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions, while exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning and belonging. It challenges pupils to reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate issues of truth, belief, faith and ethics and to communicate their responses.
We aim to ensure that the Religious Education that we provide contributes to pupils’ personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in our diverse society. It also encourages them to develop their sense of identity and belonging.


Our curriculum plans are guided by the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and Understanding Christianity.

Whole School Curriculum for RE
