Welcome to Gamston St Peter's CofE Primary School - Tuxford Academy feeder school.

Gamston St Peter's CofE Primary School

Be the best you can be

ARCHIVED - Home Learning

Notts Games Gymnastics Week

This week's Notts Games Learning is based around Gymnastics. Have a go at the activities during the week and see how many you can complete. When you get to Friday can you complete the Friday Virtual Challenge and then send it off.

Notts Games and Spirited Arts

For now I am posting this week Notts Games Challenge which this week has a cricket theme to it. The Virtual Friday Challenge is to Draw an action picture of your favourite
sports person or yourself! Make it fun,
colourful and imaginative. Then follow the link and send it off I am sure Gamston is due a winner.
Another Art competition which we have been asked to enter is the Spirited Arts which has a religious theme with either a picture or a poem. Have a look and see where your creativity takes you.

Useful Websites

Below area list of some other websites which you may like to check out with your children to inspire them.

National Geographic Activities and quizzes for young children


Mystery Science Free Science Lessons


Oxford Owl for Home


The Artful Parent



The Ickabog by J K Rowling

Following on from my Harry Potter story and if you are a fan of the writing yo J K Rowling follow the link below. She has just released a new book called the Ickabog. She has released if for free and there will be chapters online for you to read up until the 10th of July. Have a look and let me know what you think.
She also is looking for children to illustrate this book as part of a competition.

The Notts Active Challenge this week is based around Athletics and in particular Pentathlon. Each day the children undertake a different challenge. This week there are two virtual competitions the children can enter. The first is to take part in a timed mini pentathlon then send in the results. The second is to design their own pentathlon events. As before these competitions come with prizes for the entrant and the school.


So the camera challenge. First you need to download an app called pic collage it is free and doesn't take long. Then I want you to take 9 pictures/photos.
1. Something with 2 eyes
2. A plant
3. Something shiny
4. An item that is yellow
5 Something you can eat
6. You
7. Something that is noisy
8. An item made of glass
9 Something you can read
Now go into pic collage and and click on freestyle. Then click on photos and upload your 9. Then change the background and add text if you want. Finally save it and send it to me either through portfolio or text. Thanks.

Below is a link to a list of comprehensive reading resources which have been really useful over the last few weeks. Have a browse and find something new.
If your hooked on reading try the Reading 31 day Challenge. How many can you do?
This is something I have been looking at this morning. If you like David Walliams and his stories.
David Walliams is reading short stories from some of his most popular books and uploading them here for you to enjoy. Follow the link enjoy and listen
I am going to post next weeks Notts Games PE challenges on here today. They are all based around Orienteering. On Monday there is a great Scavenger Hunt. Just a reminder the virtual challenge for the Football Week was either design a Football Kit or send a video of you in doing a skill or trick. At the moment only 5 children have entered so if you can do either before tomorrow and send them off the school might win some equipment.

I am just putting this Notts Resouce up ready for next weeks PE challenge. Next week is all about Netball. I have just copied part of an email that was sent to me about the virtual Friday Competitions.
Morning All

Please find the weekly Active Notts resource attached. Next week is focused on Netball. Please distribute this with your students and try hard to actively engage them in Fridays Virtual Competitions.

Each competition runs for 2 weeks and there are prizes associated for the school with the most entries, for the golf competition you will receive a £100 equipment voucher. This competition can still be entered until tomorrow and the football competition is open until next Friday, so please get your students entering on
Thanks as always for you participation.

Mindfulness May Calendar

Follow this link to a Meaningful May mindfulness calendar with a mindfulness activity you can do each day to stay healthy and think positive.

Running out of Reading Books? Need a different challenge? Don't want to buy lots of new books?


Click on the document below to access lots of free Ebooks, including Oxford Owl, Epic and Collins Big Cat for just a few examples. This document also includes really simple instructions for how to get on to the websites, log in details and how to access books appropriate for your child. 

Reading Ebooks online is the log in needed now you are set up for free on Epic Books. This should give a wide range of books to read at the correct level to give you both joy and a challenge.

Post Easter Resources

There are some lovely RE links and resources from the diocese from fun RE art to topics of a deeper nature. Have a look at the document below and then follow the links.


Deaf Awareness Week from the 4th to the 10th of May.

Deaf Awareness Week aims to promote the positive aspects of deafness, promote social inclusion and raise awareness of the huge range of local organisations that support deaf people and their family and friends.Look out for the infomation and activities coming next week.

Check out the powerpoint and the challenge resources.


Join uk active kids everyday for a different challenge at


Nike Athlete Dina Asher-Smith is here to motivate you for this week’s Move Crew missions. This week is all about collective energy, because when we move as a team. Try something new and fun every single day.


PE with Joe Wicks – 9.00 Monday to Friday

The Body Coach on You Tube

Teach Your Monster to Read – Phonics

Visit the website here:

Phonics Play – Phonics

Visit the website here:

Classroom secrets – home learning activities

Visit the website here:

Topmarks – educational games

Visit the website here:

ICT Games – a range of educational and fun games

Visit the website here:


Do your children love to listen to Stories? (Follow the link for this free resource from Amazon audible)

There is everything on there from Little Listeners with Beatrix Potter to Winnie the Pooh. Moving up to the older children with Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone read by Stephen Fry (over 9 and a half hours of listening!


For as long as schools are closed, we're open. Right now, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids.

All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.

Explore the collection, select a title and start listening.

It's that easy.

Its great to see both community and sport getting together to work on children's mental health. This is a great booklet which children can work through during the lock-down. Everything from mindfullness colouring to keeping a positive diary. Try it out and let me know how you get on. 
Notts School Games have put together different PE challenges for your children to have a go at. The idea is to be active for up to 60 minutes per day throughout the week. The challenge will start on Monday 27th April with Golf. Have a look out for it and let me know how you get on?
Week 2 wk beginning 04.05.20 of the Notts Games challenge is football. Dont forget to work through the activities during the week and complete the virtual challenge on a Friday.