Gamston St Peter's CofE Primary School
Be the best you can be
Our school provides Wrap around Care for all pupils, led by school staff who know the children well. This is offered daily in the School Hall.
Breakfast Club
Before school, our Breakfast Club sessions from 8am. The charge for drop-off only is £2 per session. The charge, including breakfast, is £4 per session. Children are able to play with a range of toys and resources.
After School Club
'Full sessions' run until 5.45pm (Monday to Thursday only) at a cost of £7.50 per session (to include a light tea).
'Early pick-up sessions' run until 4.30pm (Monday to Thursday) at a cost of £4 per session.
Please note that on Fridays, only an early pick up session is available (until 5pm) at a cost of £4 per session.
These sessions are run by Mrs Owen Monday to Friday. A wide range of activities are available to pupils.
We ask families to book our wrap around care sessions at least a week in advance and to collect their children promptly by the end of the session.
Sessions should be booked and paid for via the School Money online payment and booking system.
Please ensure payment is made for all sessions at the time of booking.
Please note we can only have children at these clubs, who are pre-booked in via the online system.
Should you need to speak to Mrs Owen in After School Club once the school office closes at 15:30, please call the Emergency After School Club phone number on 07774 864979.
All bookings and payments for Breakfast Club and After School Club will need to be made online by credit/debit card or by childcare voucher providers that are already registered with school, via the facility. We are no longer accepting cash or cheque payments for either Breakfast Club or After School Club.
Below is a user guide to help you book and pay for these sessions.