Gamston St Peter's CofE Primary School
Be the best you can be
Staff and governors are committed to keeping the school open during extreme weather. Closure during term time is not taken lightly but the safety of all is paramount.
The school makes every effort to remain open, but in any event will use a range of information to determine the appropriateness of being open during adverse weather conditions. These include (but are not restricted to):
Weather reports from the Met Office and BBC website;
A visual assessment of the prevailing local conditions;
Advice from emergency services;
Availability of sufficient staff to be on site all day;
The likelihood of a significant deterioration of localised weather;
The state of local roads and paths under the responsibility of the local authority;
All details available before 7.30am at the point of making a decision to open the school.
If school needs to be closed, we will let you know as soon as possible through the text messaging system and Class Dojo. Please ensure you keep the office updated if you change your mobile number and/or email address.